While some actively ensure our care structures, others have to struggle with short-time work or existential worries; many employees in the public sector hold the position – often grateful to continue their own work. However, this sudden and even “involuntary” change in the working environment also brings the risk of psychological stress – just the uncertainty about how long it will continue like this. The professional contacts breakaway, the daily structure suffers. Many now see themselves in the situation of having to work productively in the family environment in a confined space. A lack of work equipment or a slow internet connection can become a matter of nerves. At the same time, workers are putting themselves under pressure to prove their work performance.

With these tips, you can prevent psychological stress in the home office:

1. Daily Structure

Plan your day with tasks, activities, and breaks. Make the time management as similar as possible to your usual everyday work: Get up simultaneously. Do not stay in pajamas. Start and finish your work consciously. Use rituals to start your working day in the morning and start the evening after work.

2. Social Contacts

Stay in social contact professionally. Have at least one conversation with a colleague every day – even if it is very short. Joint meetings are also becoming increasingly possible thanks to digital approaches.

3. Work And Leisure In Good Balance

On the one hand, suitable premises or sufficient rest to work may be missing, and on the other hand, it may be difficult to gain distance after work has been done. A good organization and creative solutions can help: Set up a workplace as well as possible under the current circumstances. If possible, it should only be surrounded by the things you need to work (e.B laptop, telephone, pen, paper, a cup of tea or coffee?). Make clear arrangements in the family: Who is responsible for when for what? With children from about five years, you can make a daily schedule. Create periods of rest – e.B a loop on the living room door signals: please do not disturb.

4. Small Highlights And Breaks

Take a short break after 30-45 minutes at the latest and provide small “highlights.” Coffee or tea or a delicious snack brings new energy. Physical activity is one of the most important protective factors for the psyche and body and is often neglected when working at home.

5. Rewards

Make a list of beautiful things to do outside or inside in the current circumstances. How can you customize activities you have previously undertaken? Instead of meeting friends: make phone calls, even if it’s only a few minutes, instead of cinema: read a book again, …